Shenzhen Fonkan Technology Co.,Ltd. 
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    • Author: fonkan
    • Source: fonkan
    • Date: 2018-09-05
    • Views: 771Times

    1. Traditional barcode, the transmission process mainly relies on image-related optical signals, and the terminal is to obtain digital electrical signals through photoelectric conversion equipment


    2. In the process of RFID, electromagnetic signals are transmitted by radio frequency, and digital electrical signals are recognized by the terminal after radio frequency conversion to the base band;


    (1) rapid scanning

    The RFID reader can read multiple RFID tags simultaneously, and only one barcode can be scanned at a time.

    (2) small size and diversified shape

    RFID is not restricted by size and shape in reading information, so it is not necessary to match the fixed size and printing quality of paper for reading accuracy.In addition, RFID tags can be miniaturized and diversified to be used in different products.

    (3) anti-pollution ability and durability

    The carrier of traditional barcode is paper, so it is easy to be polluted, but RFID is very resistant to water, oil and chemicals.In addition, as the barcode is attached to plastic bags or outer packing cartons, it is particularly vulnerable to damage;RFID tags are used to store data in the chip and thus protect it from contamination.

    (4) reusable

    The current barcode cannot be changed after it is printed. The RFID tag can add, modify and delete the data stored in the RFID volume label repeatedly to facilitate the update of information.

    (5) penetration and barrier free reading

    When covered, RFID can penetrate non-metallic or non-transparent materials such as paper, wood and plastics, and can communicate through penetration.Barcode scanners can only read barcodes at close range and without blocking.

    (6) large memory capacity of data

    The maximum capacity of 1d barcode is 50Bytes, the maximum capacity of 2d barcode can store 2 to 3000 characters, and the maximum capacity of RFID is MegaBytes.With the development of memory carrier, data capacity has been expanding.In the future, the amount of data needed to carry the object will be larger and larger, and the volume can be expanded.

    (7) security

    Because RFID carries electronic information, its data content can be protected by password, making its content not easy to be forged and altered.

    In recent years, RFID has attracted much attention due to its characteristics of long-distance reading and high storage.It is not

    It can only help a company significantly improve the efficiency of goods and information management, and it can also help a company that sells goods and manufactures

    Enterprises are interconnected to receive feedback more accurately, control demand information and optimize the entire supply chain.

    Demand has increased accordingly.

    The application of RFID technology has become mature.It is widely used in North America, Europe, Oceania, Asia Pacific and southern Africa.

    The typical application fields of RFID at present include:

    (1) automatic identification management of railway train Numbers.Such as: north American railway, China railway, Swiss railway, etc.

    (2) vehicle road traffic automatic charge management.For example, automatic toll collection for some highways in North America, automatic toll collection management for some highways in China, and automatic toll collection management for some highways in southeast Asian countries.

    (3) automatic identification, sorting and transfer management of passenger airline luggage.Some airports in North America.

    (4) vehicle access control.For example: parking lot, garbage dump, cement field vehicle access, weighing management.

    (5) campus card, meal card, car card, membership card, driver's license card, health card (medical card) and other domestic and foreign applications.

    (6) automatic control of product processing in production line.It is mainly used in the automatic production line of large factories.

    (7) animal identification (cattle raising, sheep raising, pigeon racing, etc.)Large-scale breeding plants, family farms, pigeon competition.

    (8) automatic logistics and warehousing management.Large logistics and warehousing enterprises.

    (9) automatic identification and management of gas storage containers.

    (10) car remote door lock, electronic door lock, etc

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