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    RFID News
    Current Location: > RFID News
    • Author:
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    • Date: 2021-09-05
    • Views: 1468Times

    Impinj company, is a EPC Gen2 uhf RFID tags and read and write device chip suppliers, the company recently successfully launched a new SPS (inventory management simulator), a web-based analysis tools, can be less theoretical analysis scheme of RFID technology, designed to help retailers on inventory management and store profits control better use of RFID technology, increase the accuracy of the inventory, improve the profitability of the store.


    The simulator has more than 20 pre-optional types, and retailers can customize not only their own store types, but also their own or custom categories.In addition, retailers can be compared among various options. For example, stores can compare the operating conditions of stores using rfid to those that are not in use, or inventory management when additional labor is added.The SPS are currently divided into trial and pro versions, which allow users to select only preset items and change some of the input parameters, while the pro version allows users to edit and save new store types, controlling all input items.


    Retailers must contact Impinj directly to obtain a professional version of the simulator.In addition, companies that want to change the status quo should work with chipmakers to learn how to handle the input and modification of specific parameters in tools to properly simulate the company's business scenarios.


    Previously, Impinj released a white paper titled "" fast tracking profits: strengthening inventory management with simulation tools," "describing various advantages of the tool, analyzing the tool's specific predictive performance, and pointing out that inventory management operations will impact overall store profits.The white paper also details real cases of Impinj working with a store.


    "We've had a retailer that initially tried to improve shelf-goods supply by not using RFID technology, and they've gone to great lengths to find training in inventory management, keeping inventory in check frequently and trying to keep shelves stocked.The retailer is right, but it is doubtful.We modeled the whole process through RFID technology, and the predictive tools reflected their desired results.With this scenario simulation of RFID technology, I'm sure they can do better, "" explains reilly ainstein, vice President of business development at Impinj.


    Although computer simulation has been widely used in the aerospace and automobile industries, it has failed to cause ripples in the retail industry.More importantly, the retail industry has become data-driven, and retailers need to collect data constantly to make good decisions quickly.Rfid technology is a very cost-effective helper that will collect data and then change the rules of the game.


    Retailers use counters to record and understand the business of the store, such as transactions, walking traffic, labor input into customer service, and so on.If you click the "compare" button, the tool will simulate the store's inventory throughout the year and predict the impact of various outputs.


    It is not an RFID tool, but an inventory management tool that shows how inventory management changes as it increases or shortens the workforce.Importantly, the inventory management tool requires only the cost of labelling and does not require significant investment in software and hardware. Once retailers can see the impact of the technology on their business, it goes without saying whether it is worth the investment.



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